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Genus: Calymmanthera:
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  • New Guinea, Papuasia, Asia Tropical
  • Solomon Is., Asia Tropical
  • Fiji, Pacific
Calymmanthera major Schltr. is a monopodial epiphyte found growing in lowland and lower montane forest of New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Fiji (400-1600m). This particular species is rather unruly; growing and contorting itself in all directions with about 1/3 of the roots attaching the plant to the growing medium and the rest reaching for the sky. The branching inflorecenses fan out from the plant's stem seemingly at random. The many flowers are tiny, have a sweet citrusy scent and last about 1 week.
Kurt Metzger

Altitude: 400-1600m
Kurt Metzger
Calymmanthera major
Kurt Metzger
Calymmanthera major
Kurt Metzger
Calymmanthera major
Kurt Metzger
Calymmanthera major
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