
Animalia genera

Genera of the Animalia

Genus #images
Caerois Hübner 2
Caerostris Thorell 6
Calephelis Grote and Robinson 8
Caligo Hübner 27
Caligopsis Seydel 2
Calinaga Moore 6
Calindoea Walker 2
Calleagris Aurivillius 1
Callicore Hübner 16
Callimorpha Latreille 7
Callosamia Packard 8
Calopteryx Leach 34
Calospila Geyer 3
Calpodes Hübner 2
Calycopis Scudder 4
Camptogramma Stephens 3
Carabus Linnaeus 93
Carcharodus Hübner 4
Carcinopyga Felder 3
Caria Hübner 4
Carrhenes Godman & Salvin 1
Cassida Linnaeus 17
Catapaecilma Butler 1
Catoblepia Stichel 1
Catocala Schrank 10
Catonephele Hübner 7
Celaenia Thorell 1
Celotes Godman & Salvin 1
Centroscyllium J. P. Müller & Henle
Ceresa Amyot & Serville 1
Chalepus Thunberg 3
Chalodeta Stichel 2
Charaxes Ochsenheimer 40
Charidotella Weise 3
Charina Gray 2
Charis Hübner 2
Chelis Rambur, 26
Chelodina Fitzinger 9
Chersonesia Distant 7
Chirgus Grishin 1
Chiridopsis Spaeth 1
Chlamydoselachus Garman 2
Chlorerythra Warren 1
Choeradodis Serville 6
Chorinea Gray 10
Chrysilla Thorell 5
Chrysina Kirby 10
Chrysocraspeda C. Swinhoe 13
Chrysocyon Smith 18
Cicindela Linné 50
Cigaritis Donzel 27
Cisseps Franclemont 6
Cithaerias Hübner 25
Citheronia Hübner 43
Clavelina Savigny 15
Clione Pallas 18
Clito Evans 1
Coenonympha Hübner 19
Coenophlebia C. & R. Felder 2
Coladenia Moore 6
Colaranea Court & Forster 3
Colias Fabricius 22
Consul Cramer 1
Coptocycla Chevrolat 3
Corallus Daudin 3
Corolla Dall 2
Coryphophylax Fitzinger 2
Costasiella Pruvot-Fol 9
Craterium Trentep. 58
Cressida Swainson 4
Crioceris Geoffroy 10
Crossota Vanhoffen 2
Cryptaranea Court & Forster 1
Cryptobatrachus Ruthven
Cryptophis Worrell 3
Cucullia Schrank 2
Cupido Schrank 25
Cyanea Péron and Lesueur 3
Cycloglypha Mabille 4
Cyclophora Hübner 23
Cyclopis 3
Cymbulia Péron & Lesueur
Cymothoe Hübner 13
Cyrestis Boisduval 21
Cyrtarachne Thorell 3
Cyrtophora Simon 14