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Genus: Taprachnis:
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The pollen parent being typically hexaploid (6n), is overwhelmingly dominant as a parent. [Emrys Chew 2017-04-18]

History Taprachnis Gold Star (Arachnis hookeriana x Taprobanea spathulata) (R.E. Warne, 1946) was first sown in March 1937 but flowered in November 1943 during the Japanese Occupation of Singapore. In Hawaii Warne did the same cross, which was duly named when it flowered. It remained an Aranda until the pollen parent became Taprobanea spathulata. [Emrys Chew 2017-04-18]
  • Aranda Gold Star R.E.Warne (1946)
Teoh Eng Soon
Taprachnis Gold Star
Emrys Chew
Taprachnis Gold Star
Malayan Orchid Review
Taprachnis Gold Star
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Species Ancestors (2)