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Genus: Aranda:
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Aranda Noorah Alsagoff (Arachnis hookeriana var. luteola x Vanda Dawn Nishimura) (Kranji Orchids; S.Y. Alsagoff, 1972) remains one of the finest bluish-purple hybrids developed for floriculture, superseding even the popular Aranda Wendy Scott.
Helen Lu
Aranda Noorah Alsagoff
Emrys Chew
Aranda Noorah Alsagoff
Helen Lu
Aranda Noorah Alsagoff
CW Lim
Aranda Noorah Alsagoff
Emrys Chew
Aranda Noorah Alsagoff
Emrys Chew
Aranda Noorah Alsagoff
Emrys Chew
Aranda Noorah Alsagoff
Emrys Chew
Aranda Noorah Alsagoff
Helen Lu
Aranda Noorah Alsagoff
Emrys Chew
Aranda Noorah Alsagoff
Emrys Chew
Aranda Noorah Alsagoff
Emrys Chew
Aranda Noorah Alsagoff
more ...

Species Ancestors (4)