
The orchid Cattleya Hardyana (1896) is a Cattleya hybrid registered with the Royal Horticultural Society by Cookson in 1896.
Top three species ancestors and their influences are
C. Hardyana (1896) Jorge Li
C. Hardyana (1896) semialba Sabine Furtwängler
C. Hardyana (1896) Mauro Rosim
C. Hardyana (1896) semialba Sabine Furtwängler
C. Hardyana (1896) Mauro Rosim
C. Hardyana (1896) 'White Face' Mauro Rosim
C. Hardyana (1896) coerulea form Wyche Poole
C. Hardyana (1896) Sabine Furtwängler
C. Hardyana (1896) Yanyong Punpreuk
C. Hardyana (1896) Edwin Sanchez
C. Hardyana (1896) Keith Uhlenhaut
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Species Ancestors (2)