
The orchid Dendrobium Lim Tee Hooi is a Dendrobium hybrid registered with the Royal Horticultural Society by Lim Swee Aun in 1975. It is originated by W.Muir
Top three species ancestors and their influences are
  • Dendrobium discolor (50.0%)  section: Spatulata 
  • Dendrobium tangerinum (50.0%)  section: Spatulata 

Den. Lim Tee Hooi Wia Indra Pawarna
Den. Lim Tee Hooi KrLo Javy
Den. Lim Tee Hooi Asep Supriatna
Den. Lim Tee Hooi Wana Bali
Den. Lim Tee Hooi Nicha Orchid
Den. Lim Tee Hooi KrLo Javy
more ...

Species Ancestors (2)