Phalaenopsis Malibu Imp orchid images, lineage and ancestry .
The orchid Phalaenopsis Malibu Imp is a hybrid registered with the Royal Horticultural Society by Freed in 1977.
Top three species ancestors and their influences are
Phal. Malibu Imp WG
Phal. Malibu Imp Heidi Wildeis
Phal. Malibu Imp Jörg Frehsonke
Phal. Malibu Imp WG
Phal. Malibu Imp 'Nicole' AM/AOS Mariola Zagalska
Phal. Malibu Imp 'Nicole' AM/AOS Mariola Zagalska
Phal. Malibu Imp Marcin Opolski
Phal. Malibu Imp Angela Six
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Species Ancestors (3)