Vanda Gordon Dillon orchid images, lineage and ancestry .
The orchid Vanda Gordon Dillon is a hybrid registered with the Royal Horticultural Society by Thai-Am in 1978. It is originated by K.Boonchoo
Top three species ancestors and their influences are
V. Gordon Dillon 'Blue star' Reginaldo Abreu
V. Gordon Dillon 'Blue Spot' Kjeldsen Affoon
V. Gordon Dillon 'Blue Star' Ho-kin Ng
V. Gordon Dillon 'Blue Star' Ho-kin Ng
V. Gordon Dillon Helen Lu
V. Gordon Dillon Helen Lu
V. Gordon Dillon Helen Lu
V. Gordon Dillon Larry Zabik
V. Gordon Dillon Emrys Chew
V. Gordon Dillon Niel Maceda
more ...

Species Ancestors (5)