Cattleya Penny Kuroda (Penny Kuroda Gp) orchid images, lineage and ancestry .
The orchid Cattleya Penny Kuroda (Penny Kuroda Gp) is a hybrid registered with the Royal Horticultural Society by M.Hernlund in 1976. It is originated by K.Hernlund
Top three species ancestors and their influences are
C. Penny Kuroda (Penny Kuroda Gp) 'Spots'
C. Penny Kuroda (Penny Kuroda Gp) 'pettbee' Mihály Visnyei
Cattleya Penny Kuroda (Sophia Martin Gp) 'Fyans' Roy Lee
Cattleya Sophia Martin peloric form Ade Andriyani
C. Penny Kuroda (Penny Kuroda Gp) 'Spots' Fred Clarke
C. Penny Kuroda (Penny Kuroda Gp) ´Spots´ Bozena Borecka
C. Penny Kuroda (Penny Kuroda Gp) Jp orchids (Josh Peterson)
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Species Ancestors (5)