Dendrobium Lowana Nioka orchid images, lineage and ancestry .
The orchid Dendrobium Lowana Nioka is a hybrid registered with the Royal Horticultural Society by Limberlost in 1962. It is originated by W.Muir
Top three species ancestors and their influences are
  • Dendrobium canaliculatum (50.00%)  section: Spatulata 
  • Dendrobium antennatum (50.00%)  section: Spatulata 

Den. Lowana Nioka Aris munandar
Den. Lowana Nioka Aris munandar
Den. Lowana Nioka Eka Putra Hendra
Den. Lowana Nioka Heni Anggrek
Den. Lowana Nioka Adeljean Ho
Den. Lowana Nioka Adeljean Ho
more ...

Species Ancestors (2)