Cattleya Persepolis orchid images, lineage and ancestry .
The orchid Cattleya Persepolis is a hybrid registered with the Royal Horticultural Society by Armacost in 1973.
Top three species ancestors and their influences are
C. Persepolis 'Explendor' AM/AOS Adriano Justino
C. Persepolis 'Splendor' AM/AOS Bozena Borecka
C. Persepolis 'September Moon' Junichi Abe
C. Persepolis 'September Moon' Junichi Abe
C. Persepolis 'Splendor' 'Splendor' AM AOS Bozena Borecka
C. Persepolis 'September Moon' Junichi Abe
C. Persepolis 'Splendor' AM/AOS Bozena Borecka
C. Persepolis 'September Moon' Junichi Abe
plant 'September Moon' Junichi Abe
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Seed Parent
Pollen Parent

Species Ancestors (8)