
The orchid Phalaenopsis Dragon Tree Eagle is a Phalaenopsis hybrid registered with the Royal Horticultural Society by Ching Ann in 2004. It is originated by Wang Bi-Jiang
Top three species ancestors and their influences are
Phal. Dragon Tree Eagle Gregor Kleefeld
Phal. Dragon Tree Eagle Ken Lin
Phal. Dragon Tree Eagle Justyna Papuga
Phal. Dragon Tree Eagle Matthias Wystub
Phal. Dragon Tree Eagle 'DT-168' Christian Go
Phal. Dragon Tree Eagle Matthias Wystub
Phal. Dragon Tree Eagle '#168' Simon Mak YM
Phal. Dragon Tree Eagle An-dreas Engæl‎
Phal. Dragon Tree Eagle #168 Simon Mak YM
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Species Ancestors (4)