Ophrys sphegodes orchid information, .
Ophrys sphegodes is accepted species in  the family Orchidaceae  subfamily: Orchidoideae, tribe: Orchideae, subtribe: Orchidinae,  
Genus Ophrys 
Infraspecific taxa recognized within Ophrys sphegodes: infraspecific taxa
This species is found in W. & S. Europe to N. Iran.
Ophrys aveyronensis Michel Alborghetti
Ophrys aveyronensis Quentihno Martini
Oph. sphegodes subsp. aveyronensis Cédric Rajadel
Oph. sphegodes subsp. aveyronensis peloric form Quentihno Martini
Oph. sphegodes subsp. aveyronensis Cédric Rajadel
Oph. sphegodes subsp. aveyronensis Cédric Rajadel
Oph. sphegodes subsp. aveyronensis Quentihno Martini
Ophrys aveyronensis Quentihno Martini
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