Progenies of Lycaste virginalis

Progenies of Lycaste virginalis

Descendants Seed Parent Pollen Parent pct # images
Lycaste imschootiana Lycaste cruenta Lycaste skinneri (syn) 50% 1
Lycaste lucianiana Lycaste lasioglossa Lycaste virginalis 50%
Lycaste rogersonii Lycaste plana (syn) Lycaste skinneri (syn) 50%
Lycaste smeeana Lycaste deppei Lycaste skinneri (syn) 50% 10
Lycaste balliae Lycaste measuresiana Lycaste skinneri (syn) 50%
Angulocaste Bievreana Anguloa ruckeri (syn) Lycaste virginalis 50% 2
Angulocaste Sanderae Anguloa clowesii Lycaste virginalis 50%
Lycaste Amabilis Lycaste virginalis Lycaste tricolor 50%
Lycaste Schoenbrunnensis Lycaste schilleriana Lycaste virginalis 50% 2
Lycida Sir Jeremiah Colman Ida lanipes (syn) Lycaste virginalis 50%
Lycaste Spectabilis Lycaste aromatica Lycaste virginalis 50%
Zygocaste Van Belle Lycaste virginalis Zygopetalum mackayi (syn) 50% 1
Lycaste Barbara Sander Lycaste Balliae Lycaste virginalis 75%
Lycaste Choctaw Lycaste Sunrise Lycaste brevispatha 38%
Lycida Queen Elizabeth Ida locusta (syn) Lycaste virginalis 50% 2
Angulocaste Highland Peak Angulocaste Olympus Lycaste Sunrise 63%
Angulocaste Jupiter Lycaste Balliae Angulocaste Apollo 38%
Maxillacaste Heinz Michael Pinkepank Maxillaria sanderiana Lycaste virginalis 50%
Angulocaste Andromeda Lycaste virginalis Angulocaste Apollo 63%
Angulocaste Gwenneth Angulocaste Olympus Lycaste virginalis 75%
Angulocaste Olympus Angulocaste Apollo Lycaste Sunrise 50% 6
Lycida Brugensis Ida gigantea (syn) Lycaste virginalis 50%
Lycida Cassiopeia Lycida Brugensis Lycaste Wyld Court 63% 2
Lycaste Cape of Island Lycaste Leo Lycaste Auburn 44%
Lycida Perseus Lycida Brugensis Lycaste Pluto 31%
Lycaste Silvares Lycaste Jason Lycaste virginalis 50%
Lycaste Wyldfire Lycaste Balliae Lycaste Wyld Court 63%
Anglyda Ikkoh Anglyda Tudor Lycaste virginalis 63%
Angulocaste Paul Gripp Lycaste Auburn Angulocaste Olympus 56% 1
Lycaste Always Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Sunrise 88%
Lycaste Amaroo Lycaste Sunrise Lycaste Auburn 69%
Lycaste Aphrodite Lycaste Pluto Lycaste Balliae 31%
Lycaste Autumn Color Lycaste Auburn Lycaste tricolor 31%
Lycaste Benalla Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste aromatica 45%
Lycaste Brooklyn Lycaste Macama Lycaste Auburn 70%
Lycaste Concentration Lycaste cruenta Lycaste Auburn 31% 2
Lycaste Diana Burritt Lycaste virginalis Lycaste macrobulbon 50% 1
Lycaste Dorado Lycaste Macama Lycaste cruenta 39%
Lycaste Dural Lycaste Auburn Lycaste macrophylla 31%
Lycaste Gyra Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Jason 41%
Lycida Hamana Corn Lycida Highland Peak Lycaste virginalis 81%
Lycaste Hamana Plum Lycaste Libra Lycaste Auburn 31%
Lycaste Hamana Wine Lycaste Lucianii Lycaste Auburn 56% 1
Lycaste Henty Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Leo 58% 1
Lycaste Imschootiana Lycaste cruenta Lycaste virginalis 50% 3
Lycaste Island of Capri Lycaste Capricorn Lycaste virginalis 69%
Lycaste Kawana Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Auburn 72%
Lycida Kembla Lycaste Macama Ida lanipes (syn) 39%
Lycaste Kiama Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Macama 80% 2
Lycaste Killara Lycaste Macama Lycaste dowiana 39%
Lycaste Leura Lycaste Nebula Lycaste Macama 39%
Lycaste Macama Lycaste Sunrise Lycaste Koolena 78% 6
Lycaste Momoyama Lycaste leucantha Lycaste virginalis 50%
Lycida Moree Lycida Aquila Lycaste Sunrise 50%
Lycaste Promises Lycaste Imschootiana Lycaste Auburn 56%
Lycida Shimayuki Lycida Frank Hoyt Lycaste virginalis 75%
Lycaste Sunrise Lycaste Imschootiana Lycaste virginalis 75%
Lycaste Warren Lycaste Candicrue Lycaste Koolena 41%
Lycaste Wonda Lycaste Macama Lycaste Leo 52%
Lycaste Wyong Lycaste Macama Lycaste virginalis 89% 5
Lycaste Wyuna Lycaste Macama Lycaste × mathiasiae (syn) 39% 8
Lycastenaria Nancy Marie Lycastenaria Darius Lycaste Balliae 50%
Lycaste Hildaben Lycaste Sunrise Lycaste cruenta 38%
Angulocaste Camelot Anguloa cliftonii Lycaste virginalis 50%
Angulocaste Norris Powell Angulocaste Camelot Lycaste Balliae 50%
Lycaste Karina Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Macama 84%
Lycastenaria Darius Lycaste virginalis Bifrenaria harrisoniae 50%
Lycida Michael Lycaste virginalis Lycida Olivia 50%
Lycaste Peter Sander Lycaste virginalis Lycaste xytriophora 50%
Lycaste Wyld Unicorn Lycaste Wyld Court Lycaste Leo 50%
Angulocaste Wyld Delight Lycaste Balliae Angulocaste Andromeda 56%
Angulocaste Aurora Anguloa hohenlohii Lycaste Auburn 31% 1
Lycabstia Marshmallow Pabstia jugosa Lycaste Sunrise 38%
Lycida Frank Hoyt Ida costata (syn) Lycaste virginalis 50% 1
Lycida Geyser Gold Lycaste Auburn Lycida Aquila 44% 5
Lycaste Geyser Inferno Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Wyldfire 63%
Lycida Eico Saito Lycida Brugensis Lycaste Balliae 50%
Lycaste Elizabeth Powell Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Wyld Court 88%
Lycaste Capricorn Lycaste lasioglossa Lycaste Wyld Court 38% 1
Lycaste Balliae Lycaste macrophylla Lycaste virginalis 50% 1
Lycaste Bega Lycaste Silvares Lycaste Shoalhaven 70% 1
Lycaste Athena Lycaste Elizabeth Powell Lycaste Balliae 69%
Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Balliae Lycaste Sunrise 63% 1
Lycaste Autumn Glow Lycaste lasioglossa Lycaste Auburn 31%
Lycida Advance Lycida Aquila Lycaste Balliae 38%
Lycaste Annamae Reed Lycaste Lucianii Lycaste Koolena 66%
Lycaste Rowland Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Jason 31% 4
Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Koolena 91% 4
Lycida Milpera Lycaste virginalis Lycida Aquila 63%
Lycaste Rachel Lycaste dowiana Lycaste Auburn 31%
Lycaste Lucianii Lycaste lasioglossa Lycaste virginalis 50% 3
Lycaste Jackpot Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Wyld Court 69% 7
Lycaste John Ezzy Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Koolena 86%
Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Auburn Lycaste virginalis 81% 6
Lycida Island of Potmac Lycida Frank Hoyt Lycida Highland Peak 56%
Lycaste Island of Red Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Libra 45%
Lycaste Island of Vulcorn Lycaste Capricorn Lycaste Vulcan 38%
Lycida Highland Peak Lycaste Sunrise Lycida Queen Elizabeth 63%
Lycaste Island of Keita Lycaste Shima Lycaste Auburn 44%
Lycaste Island of Lucia Lycaste Lucianii Lycaste Wyld Court 63%
Lycaste Erin Harmony Lycaste leucantha Lycaste Auburn 31%
Lycastenaria Alkina Lycastenaria Darius Lycaste Auburn 56%
Lycaste Wyld Sunset Lycaste Wyld Court Lycaste Koolena 78%
Lycaste Wyld Surprise Lycaste Wyld Court Lycaste Vulcan 56%
Lycaste Wyld Wine Lycaste Libra Lycaste Wyld Court 38%
Lycaste Vulcan Lycaste Jason Lycaste Wyld Court 38%
Lycaste Wyld Court Lycaste Lucianii Lycaste virginalis 75% 1
Lycaste Sunset Lycaste John Ezzy Lycaste Koolena 84%
Lycaste Avalon Lycaste Always Lycaste Macama 83%
Lycaste Camden Lycaste John Ezzy Lycaste Macama 82%
Lycaste Loftus Lycaste Leo Lycaste virginalis 63% 1
Lycaste Mosman Lycaste Macama Lycaste Wyuna 59%
Lycaste Orion Lycaste Candicrue Lycaste Always 44%
Lycaste Wyld Splash Lycaste Wyld Court Lycaste Imschootiana 63%
Lycaste Wyld Symphony Lycaste Jackpot Lycaste Wyld Court 72%
Maxillacaste Fred Alcorn Lycaste Koolena Maxillaria grandiflora 41%
Lycastenaria Opal Mist Lycaste Koolena Lycastenaria Alkina 69%
Angulocaste Canberra Lycaste virginalis Angulocaste Gwenneth 88%
Lycida Albury Lycaste Always Ida locusta (syn) 44%
Lycida Concord Lycida Aquila Lycaste Koolena 53%
Lycaste Lawson Lycaste Macama Lycaste macrophylla 39%
Lycida Snow Queen Lycaste Sunrise Lycida Highland Peak 69%
Lycida Wyld Spirit Lycida Brugensis Lycaste virginalis 75%
Lycaste Jim Riopelle Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Gyra 61% 1
Lycida Island of Snow Lycida Shimayuki Lycaste Koolena 78%
Lycaste Wyld Enchantress Lycaste Aphrodite Lycaste virginalis 66%
Lycaste Wyld Goddess Lycaste Wyld Court Lycaste Aphrodite 53%
Angulocaste Satuit Lycaste virginalis Angulocaste Mendenhall 50%
Angulocaste Karool Angulocaste Oakdon Lycaste Koolena 41%
Lycaste Denley Lycaste powellii Lycaste virginalis 50% 2
Lycida Kara Lycida Aquila Lycaste Wyuna 32%
Lycaste Kianora Lycaste Karina Lycaste virginalis 92% 1
Lycaste Sunray Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste virginalis 95% 13
Lycida Aylesbury Lycida Frank Hoyt Lycaste Sunrise 63%
Lycaste Denise Barrow Lycaste Wyldfire Lycaste Macama 70%
Lycaste Headington Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Promises 78%
Lycida Hugheuden Lycida Highland Peak Lycaste Auburn 63% 1
Lycaste Jane Austen Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Wyldfire 72%
Lycaste Karen Ferrell Lycaste Always Lycaste virginalis 94%
Lycida Longbourn Lycida Brugensis Lycaste Auburn 56%
Lycaste Netherfield Lycaste xytriophora Lycaste Auburn 31%
Lycaste Salisbury Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Promises 59%
Lycida Warwick Lycida Highland Peak Lycaste Always 75%
Anglyda Chawton Lycida Virgo Angulocaste Paul Gripp 41%
Angulocaste Chester Angulocaste Olympus Lycaste Leo 38%
Anglyda Gene Roddenberry Anglyda Tudor Lycaste Always 56%
Angulocaste Pemberley Angulocaste Paul Gripp Lycaste Balliae 53%
Anglyda Roy Barrow Lycida Aquila Angulocaste Paul Gripp 41%
Anglyda Winchester Anglyda Tudor Lycaste Auburn 44%
Angulocaste Caracas Lycaste virginalis Anguloa uniflora 50% 4
Angulocaste Rosemary Angulocaste Sanderae Lycaste Balliae 50%
Angulocaste Sara Lycaste Auburn Anguloa eburnea 31%
Lycaste Wyld Antonia Lycaste Imschootiana Lycaste Balliae 50%
Lycida Golden Pyramids Ida gigantea (syn) Lycaste Auburn 31%
Angulocaste Karee Angulocaste Oakdon Lycaste John Ezzy 43%
Lycida Katherine Lycida Queen Elizabeth Lycida Guinevere 31%
Lycaste Hamana Burritt Lycaste Diana Burritt Lycaste virginalis 75%
Lycaste Takatsu Lycaste Capricorn Lycaste Auburn 50%
Angulocaste Wyld Princess Angulocaste Jupiter Lycaste Balliae 44%
Lycaste Wyld Diamond Lycaste Loftus Lycaste Sunrise 69%
Lycida Wyld Gold Lycida Brugensis Lycaste Leo 38%
Lycaste Wyld Polka Lycaste Wyld Court Lycaste Sunrise 75%
Lycaste Wyld Queen Lycaste Balliae Lycaste Wyld Splash 56%
Lycaste Wyld Splendour Lycaste Balliae Lycaste Auburn 56%
Lycaste Wyld Viking Lycaste Wyldfire Lycaste Lemförde Sunset 41%
Lycida Betty Kool Lycida Betty Sparrow Lycaste Koolena 53%
Lycaste Red Sensation Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Vulcan 59%
Lycida Seagull Lycida Betty Sparrow Lycaste virginalis 63%
Lycaste Hamana Doll Lycaste Hamana Jason Lycaste virginalis 50%
Lycaste Hamana Honey Lycaste Hamana Jason Lycaste Sunrise 38%
Lycaste Hamana Pure Lycaste Hamana Jason Lycaste Auburn 31%
Angulocaste San Carlos Angulocaste Norris Powell Lycaste Koolena 66%
Lycaste Ginny Douglass Lycaste macrophylla Lycaste Koolena 41%
Lycaste Hamana Cream Lycaste Imschootiana Lycaste Koolena 66%
Lycaste Josephine Lycaste Aphrodite Lycaste Wyld Unicorn 41%
Lycida Multiple Lycaste brevispatha Lycida Seagull 31%
Lycaste Apple Glow Lycaste Loftus Lycaste Shima 44%
Anglyda Gary Baker Lycida Frank Hoyt Anglyda Jim Riopelle 31%
Lycaste Jonapp Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Laurencin 58%
Lycaste Chita Melody Lycaste Hamana Wine Lycaste Shoalhaven 73%
Lycida Andy Easton Lycida Cassiopeia Lycaste Auburn 63% 2
Lycaste Memoria Fred Alcorn Lycaste Karina Lycaste Koolena 83%
Lycaste Geri Male Lycaste Jackpot Lycaste virginalis 84%
Lycaste Island of Kool Lycaste Capricorn Lycaste Koolena 59%
Lycaste Hamana Angel Lycaste Hamana Plum Lycaste Koolena 56%
Lycaste Hamana Berry Lycaste Hamana Wine Lycaste Koolena 69%
Lycaste Hamana Cherry Lycaste Hamana Wine Lycaste virginalis 78%
Lycaste Hamana Fire Lycaste Balliae Lycaste Koolena 66%
Lycaste Hamana Island Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Island of Lucia 63%
Lycaste Hamana Kool Lycaste Diana Burritt Lycaste Koolena 66%
Lycaste Hamana Loft Lycaste Chiltern Hundreds Lycaste Loftus 31%
Lycaste Hamana Lucia Lycaste Imschootiana Lycaste Lucianii 50%
Lycaste Hamana Rose Lycaste Hamana Plum Lycaste Auburn 47%
Lycaste Hamana Ruby Lycaste Lucianii Lycaste Red Sensation 55%
Lycida Aquarius Lycida Multiple Lycaste Auburn 47%
Lycida Aries Lycaste Koolena Lycida Betty Kool 67%
Lycaste Pisces Lycaste Laurencin Lycaste Koolena 53%
Angulocaste Island of June Angulocaste Glencoe Lycaste Auburn 31%
Lycaste Anthony Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Loftus 63%
Lycaste John Lycaste Auburn Lycaste deppei 31%
Lycaste Matthew Lycaste Vulcan Lycaste virginalis 69%
Lycaste Wyld Dream Lycaste Lucianii Lycaste Wyld Unicorn 50%
Lycaste Wyld Romance Lycaste Aphrodite Lycaste Wyldfire 47%
Angulocaste Maureen Anguloa eburnea Lycaste Jackpot 34%
Anglyda Thomas Anglyda Tudor Lycaste Balliae 38%
Lycida Doug Kennedy Ida ciliata (syn) Lycaste virginalis 50%
Lycaste Bawley Point Lycaste Jonapp Lycaste Macama 68%
Angulocaste Nita Lycaste virginalis Anguloa virginalis 50%
Lycida Hamana Peak Lycaste Hamana Jason Lycida Highland Peak 31%
Lycaste Fire Bird Lycaste Island of Vulcorn Lycaste Macama 58%
Lycida Peace Lady Lycida Hamana Peak Lycaste virginalis 66%
Lycida Peace Rosa Lycida Hamana Peak Lycaste Macama 55%
Lycaste Wine Fair Lycaste Macama Lycaste Hamana Wine 67%
Lycaste Hardie Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Promises 69%
Angulocaste Andy's Gift Angulocaste Olympus Lycaste Balliae 50%
Anglyda Dennis Kleinbach Lycida Frank Hoyt Angulocaste Georgius Rex 38%
Lycaste Kageyuki Delight Lycaste Wyld Court Lycaste Macama 77%
Lycaste Memoria Kageyuki Mito Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Mem. Bill Congleton 58% 4
Anglyda Sunday Clothes Anglyda Ikkoh Lycaste Sunrise 69%
Lycaste Shonan Melody Lycaste Sunray Lycaste Shoalhaven 93% 1
Anglyda Nicolas Anglyda Thomas Lycaste Auburn 50%
Lycaste Miriam Harris Lycaste dowiana Lycaste Loftus 31%
Lycida Island of Takatsu Lycida Highland Peak Lycaste Macama 70%
Lycaste Honey Sand Lycaste Macama Lycaste Jason 39%
Lycaste Shonan Breeze Lycaste Island of Keita Lycaste Shoalhaven 67%
Lycaste Shonan Harmony Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Headington 80%
Anglyda Okanogan Lycaste Loftus Anglyda Jim Riopelle 38%
Lycida Island of Peaklena Lycida Highland Peak Lycaste Koolena 72%
Zygocaste Northwest Passage Zygopetalum Artur Elle Lycaste virginalis 50%
Lycaste Tahune Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste cruenta 45%
Lycaste James Woodward Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Tahune 73%
Lycaste Chita Sunset Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Wyld Sunset 84% 1
Angulocaste Paul Sander Angulocaste Paul Gripp Lycaste Barbara Sander 66%
Lycaste Bacchus Lycaste Elizabeth Powell Lycaste Wyld Wine 63%
Lycaste Wyldhaven Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Wyldfire 77%
Angulocaste Cosmo-Vulcan Lycaste Vulcan Angulocaste Paul Gripp 47%
Angulocaste Santa Barbara Lycaste Auburn Angulocaste Paul Gripp 59%
Lycaste Nancy Lycaste Peter Sander Lycaste virginalis 75%
Lycaste Kay Nagata Lycaste Hamana Lucia Lycaste Hamana Pure 41%
Lycaste Red Dawn Lycaste Jackpot Lycaste Koolena 75%
Lycaste Bouley Bay Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Amaroo 66%
Lycaste Always Kool Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Always 84%
Lycaste Cosmo-Jocelyn Lycaste Barbara Sander Lycaste Macama 77%
Lycaste Shonan Beat Lycaste John Ezzy Lycaste Chita Melody 80% 2
Lycaste Shonan Symphony Lycaste Sunray Lycaste Chita Melody 84% 4
Anglyda Denise Anglyda Thomas Lycaste Balliae 44%
Lycaste Cosmo-Meadow Lycaste Wyuna Lycaste Sunrise 57%
Anglyda Omega Anglyda Tudor Lycaste Shoalhaven 58%
Lycaste Hilary Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Momoyama 75%
Lycaste Wyld Velvet Lycaste Wyld Wine Lycaste Aphrodite 34%
Angulocaste Genevieve Lycaste Rachel Angulocaste Sanderae 41%
Lycaste Southern Cross Lycaste Island of Vulcorn Lycaste Leo 31%
Lycaste Janice Miller Lycaste Henty Lycaste Macama 68%
Lycaste Alwine Miller Lycaste Janice Miller Lycaste Sunset 76% 3
Lycaste Golden Emperor Lycaste Aphrodite Lycaste Concentration 31%
Lycaste Personality Lycaste Mem. Bill Congleton Lycaste Island of Vulcorn 31%
Lycaste Cosmo-Powell Lycaste Elizabeth Powell Lycaste Island of Capri 78%
Maxillacaste Yellow Star Maxillaria cucullata Lycaste virginalis 50%
Lycaste Flora Vista Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Wyld Surprise 59%
Lycaste Malibu Canyon Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Aphrodite 47%
Lycaste Veronica Springs Lycaste Loftus Lycaste Koolena 72% 1
Lycaste Wyld Child Lycaste Wyld Surprise Lycaste Koolena 69%
Lycaste Wyld Promise Lycaste Promises Lycaste Wyld Surprise 56%
Lycaste Esther Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Nebula 50%
Angulocaste Rosings Angulocaste Paul Gripp Lycaste Koolena 69%
Lycaste Cherish Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Chita Melody 82% 1
Lycaste Marionette Lycaste John Ezzy Lycaste Wyld Court 80%
Lycida Nefertari Ida linguella (syn) Lycaste virginalis 50%
Lycaste Doctor Guillermo Arriola Lycaste Macama Lycaste Sunrise 77%
Lycaste Memoria Otto Mittlestadt Lycaste Jackpot Lycaste Macama 73%
Lycaste Premier Cru Classe Lycaste Jackpot Lycaste Sunset 76%
Lycaste Bill Austin Lycaste Sunrise Lycaste Always 81%
Lycaste Wössner Feuer Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Wyld Enchantress 64%
Lycaste Isabella Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Jonapp 70%
Lycaste Mars Lycaste Hamana Wine Lycaste Sunray 76%
Lycaste Mercury Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Chita Melody 77%
Lycaste Mrs. Eiko Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Jonapp 74%
Lycaste Absolutely Stunning Lycaste Always Lycaste Malibu Canyon 67%
Lycaste White Christmas Lycaste Mem. Bill Congleton Lycaste virginalis 63%
Lycaste Sun Leo Lycaste Leo Lycaste Sunrise 50%
Lycaste Kyoto Symphony Lycaste Sun Leo Lycaste Shoalhaven 70%
Lycaste Kyoto Lycaste Island of Vulcorn Lycaste Wyld Court 56%
Lycaste Sunset Jaguar Lycaste guatemalensis Lycaste Macama 39%
Lycaste Attention Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Midas 44%
Angulocaste Michelle Elizabeth Lycaste Always Angulocaste Norris Powell 69%
Lycaste Alan Salzman Lycaste Island of Vulcorn Lycaste Shoalhaven 64%
Lycaste Abou First Spring Lycaste Shonan Harmony Lycaste Shoalhaven 85% 9
Angulocaste Augres Anguloa clowesii Lycaste Auburn 31%
Angulocaste Wössner Rose Angulocaste Paul Gripp Lycaste Jackpot 63%
Lycaste Alisa Lycaste Imschootiana Lycaste Always 69%
Lycaste Pamela Annan-Brady Lycaste Hardie Lycaste Shoalhaven 80%
Lycaste Higashiyama Lycaste Balliae Lycaste Shoalhaven 70%
Lycaste Daimonji Lycaste Island of Kool Lycaste Island of Vulcorn 48%
Angulocaste Regius Angulocaste Olympus Lycaste Shoalhaven 70%
Lycaste Sun Spots Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Sunrise 83% 1
Angulocaste Weltz Auburn Cliffs Anguloa cliftonii Lycaste Auburn 31%
Lycaste Incaic Sunset Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Loftus 81%
Lycaste Nootka Lycaste Wyld Surprise Lycaste virginalis 78%
Lycaste Chris Ellis Lycaste Autumn Glow Lycaste Cape of Island 38%
Lycaste Rakuhoku Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Shoalhaven 77% 4
Angulocaste Shimazaki Lycaste Concentration Angulocaste Olympus 41%
Lycaste Judith Atkins Lycaste Pisces Lycaste Macama 66%
Lycaste Pegasus Lycaste Capricorn Lycaste Sunrise 56%
Lycida Lancelot Ida locusta (syn) Lycaste Shoalhaven 45%
Lycida Hot Lips Houlihan Lycida Betty Kool Lycaste Barbara Sander 64%
Lycaste Altair Lycaste Wyld Splendour Lycaste Sunrise 66%
Lycaste Volcano Lycaste Island of Vulcorn Lycaste Always 63%
Lycaste May Lycaste Sunray Lycaste Macama 87%
Lycaste Ryan Thomas Coyne Lycaste Leo Lycaste Diana Burritt 38% 1
Lycaste Sofia Lycaste Island of Kool Lycaste Shoalhaven 75%
Lycida Memoria Dora Price Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycida Betty Kool 72%
Lycaste Shonan Bright Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste John Ezzy 88% 1
Lycaste Shonan Jack Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Jackpot 80%
Lycaste Serendipity Lycaste imschootiana (syn) Lycaste Always 69%
Lycaste Pink Fantasy Lycaste Headington Lycaste Always 83%
Lycaste Red Court Lycaste Hamana Wine Lycaste Wyld Court 66%
Lycaste Silk Wedding Lycaste Shonan Melody Lycaste virginalis 96%
Angulocaste Sander Hope Angulocaste Paul Sander Lycaste Jackpot 67%
Angulocaste Auburn Delight Lycaste Auburn Angulocaste Wyld Delight 59%
Lycaste Chita Carnival Lycaste John Ezzy Lycaste virginalis 93%
Lycaste Chita Dream Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Chita Melody 87%
Lycaste Chita Parade Lycaste Chita Melody Lycaste Wyld Sunset 76%
Anglyda Island Of Tudor Anglyda Tudor Lycaste Island of Capri 47%
Lycaste Laura Lycaste Jackie-Bear Lycaste Koolena 50%
Lycaste Wood Glow Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Albanensis 31%
Lycida Kool Customer Lycaste Koolena Ida locusta (syn) 41%
Lycaste Selena Lycaste Sunset Lycaste virginalis 92%
Lycaste Vandorf Vampire Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Jackpot 66%
Maxillacaste Sanguine Lycaste virginalis Maxillaria desvauxiana 50%
Lycaste Eightysixth Kiss Lycaste Geri Male Lycaste Golden Emperor 58%
Angulocaste Transatlantic Beauty Angulocaste Maureen Lycaste Athena 52%
Lycaste Twin Towers Lycaste Always Lycaste cruenta 44%
Lycaste Yukiko Dream Lycaste Jason Lycaste Shoalhaven 45%
Lycaste Imitation Gold Lycaste Midas Lycaste virginalis 63%
Angulocaste Beaumont Angulocaste Maureen Lycaste Auburn 48% 2
Anglyda Island of Court Anglyda Tudor Lycaste Island of Red 35%
Lycaste Sunburst Lycaste Island of Capri Lycaste Incaic Sunset 75%
Lycaste Dusky Lycaste Taurus Lycaste Auburn 31%
Lycaste Sun Pillar Lycaste Yoko's Sister Lycaste Sunray 48%
Lycaste Calymea Lycaste Jason Lycaste Kawana 36% 1
Angulocaste Nowra Angulocaste Gwenneth Lycaste Shoalhaven 83% 1
Lycaste Auburn-Congleton Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Mem. Bill Congleton 44%
Lycaste Kitayama Lycaste Auburn-Congleton Lycaste Sunray 70%
Lycaste Avranches Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Amaroo 75%
Lycaste Terry Kennedy Lycaste Cherish Lycaste Wyld Sunset 80%
Lycaste Suntan Lycaste Sunburst Lycaste Sunray 85%
Lycaste Happy Valentine Lycaste Capricorn Lycaste White Christmas 50%
Lycaste Rocheport Lycaste Bouley Bay Lycaste Amaroo 67%
Lycaste Shugakuin Lycaste Southern Cross Lycaste Shoalhaven 61% 3
Lycaste Hamana Shoal Lycaste Hamana Burritt Lycaste Shoalhaven 83%
Lycaste Hagoromo Lycaste Hamana Shoal Lycaste Shoalhaven 87%
Lycaste Lime Water Lycaste Elfin Lycaste virginalis 50%
Lycaste Kitashirakawa Lycaste Lime Water Lycaste Shoalhaven 70%
Lycaste Takagamine Lycaste Chita Melody Lycaste Sunrise 74%
Lycabstia Akebono Lycabstia Marshmallow Lycaste Karen Ferrell 66%
Zygocaste Aki Lycaste virginalis Zygopetalum gautieri (syn) 50%
Lycaste Red Symphony Lycaste Island of Vulcorn Lycaste Capricorn 38%
Angulocaste Arika Eban Lycaste Cape of Island Angulocaste Andromeda 53%
Lycaste Cordial Thanks Lycaste Island of Kool Lycaste Mem. Bill Congleton 42%
Lycaste Jewel Box Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Volcano 77%
Lycaste Sirius Lycaste Wyld Polka Lycaste Shonan Beat 77%
Lycaste Clara Sesemann Lycaste brevispatha Lycaste Koolena 41%
Lycaste Royale Flush Lycaste Malibu Canyon Lycaste Koolena 64%
Lycaste Carmen Lycaste Elizabeth Powell Lycaste Shonan Beat 84%
Lycaste Arles Lycaste Elizabeth Powell Lycaste Sunray 91%
Lycaste John Curtin Lycaste Always Kool Lycaste virginalis 92%
Lycaste Melody Fair Lycaste Wyldfire Lycaste John Ezzy 74%
Lycaste Pink Sapphire Lycaste Volcano Lycaste Sunray 79%
Lycida Mount Hira Lycida Highland Peak Lycaste Shoalhaven 77%
Lycaste Takano Lycaste lasioglossa Lycaste Chita Melody 37%
Lycaste Sakura Lycaste Mrs. Eiko Lycaste John Ezzy 80%
Lycida Lime Fantasy Lycaste Lime Water Lycida Aries 59%
Angulocaste Conni Ferrusi Angulocaste Tanner Lycaste Auburn 31%
Lycaste Ruby Lights Lycaste aromatica Lycaste Auburn 31%
Lycaste Orange Brush Lycaste Incaic Sunset Lycaste Jason 41%
Lycastenaria Chung Haw Beauty Lycaste John Ezzy Bifrenaria harrisoniae 43%
Lycaste Tinette Lycaste brevispatha Lycaste virginalis 50% 6
Lycaste Momo Lycaste Mrs. Eiko Lycaste Shoalhaven 82% 2
Lycaste Takao Lycaste Karina Lycaste Chita Melody 79%
Lycaste Abou Piyo Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Hamana Burritt 78%
Lycaste Heavens Ray Lycaste Wyld Polka Lycaste Sunray 85%
Lycaste Spring Chorus Lycaste Abou First Spring Lycaste Shoalhaven 88%
Lycaste Arcadian Sunrise Lycaste Chita Dream Lycaste Shoalhaven 89% 1
Lycaste Princess Takamado Lycaste Cherish Lycaste Hamana Honey 60%
Lycaste Walnut Valley Sunrise Lycaste Jason Lycaste Sunrise 38%
Angulocaste Linda Dayan Angulocaste Olympus Lycaste Sunray 73%
Lycaste Kurama Lycaste Mercury Lycaste Chita Melody 75% 2
Angulocaste Charlotte Anguloa eburnea Lycaste Wyldfire 31%
Angulocaste Paternoster Angulocaste Charlotte Angulocaste Transatlantic Beauty 41%
Angulocaste Daniel Anguloa Victoire Lycaste Athena 34%
Angulocaste Noirmont Anguloa Victoire Lycaste Bouley Bay 33%
Angulocaste Samares Angulocaste Augres Lycaste Bouley Bay 48%
Takakiara Underwood Lycaste Barbara Sander Zygopabstia Elfin Jade 38%
Lycaste Mary Krull Lycaste Wyld Promise Lycaste Elizabeth Powell 72%
Angulocaste Auguste Riviere Anguloa brevilabris Lycaste virginalis 50%
Angulocaste Forêt de Darney Lycaste Balliae Angulocaste Roch Jolibois 38%
Lycaste Hitomi Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Shonan Beat 85% 2
Lycaste Supersweet Lycaste Salisbury Lycaste Wyld Promise 58%
Lycaste Pearl Line Lycaste Wyld Court Lycaste Chita Melody 74%
Lycaste Jelly Maker Lycaste Sunray Lycaste virginalis 98%
Lycaste Chita Prelude Lycaste Chita Sunset Lycaste Chita Melody 79% 1
Lycaste Murasakino Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Wyld Court 83% 4
Lycaste Incaic Sunrise Lycaste Midas Lycaste Shonan Beat 52%
Lycaste James Miller Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Mem. Fred Alcorn 82% 1
Lycaste Trevor Miller Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Kiama 80%
Lycaste Brad Virgin Lycaste bradeorum Lycaste skinneri (syn) 50% 1
Lycaste Brownie Tricks Lycaste Brooklyn Lycaste Shonan Beat 75%
Lycaste Superstar Lycaste Wyld Child Lycaste Koolena 75%
Lycaste Wyld Canyon Lycaste Wyld Child Lycaste Malibu Canyon 58%
Lycaste Promised Child Lycaste Wyld Child Lycaste Wyld Promise 63%
Lycaste Milestone Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Wyld Promise 78%
Lycaste Malibu Promise Lycaste Malibu Canyon Lycaste Wyld Promise 52%
Lycaste Veronica's Promise Lycaste Veronica Springs Lycaste Wyld Promise 64%
Lycaste Wyld Heaven Lycaste Wyld Promise Lycaste Shoalhaven 73%
Lycaste Heat Wave Lycaste Hardie Lycaste Wyld Promise 63%
Lycaste Auburn Canyon Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Malibu Canyon 55%
Lycaste Wolf Creek Lycaste Malibu Canyon Lycaste virginalis 73%
Lycaste Torrey Pines Lycaste Malibu Canyon Lycaste Wyld Surprise 52%
Lycaste Disco Belle Lycaste Malibu Canyon Lycaste Loftus 55%
Lycaste Stardust Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Malibu Canyon 69%
Lycaste Dakota Smith Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Veronica Springs 81%
Lycaste Sweet Dreams Lycaste Veronica Springs Lycaste Hardie 70%
Lycaste Powerhouse Lycaste Elizabeth Powell Lycaste Headington 83%
Lycaste Crown Jewel Lycaste Headington Lycaste Salisbury 69%
Lycaste Cosmo-Corona Lycaste Wyong Lycaste Mem. Bill Congleton 57%
Lycaste Chita Impulse Lycaste Chita Melody Lycaste Alan Salzman 69% 7
Lycaste Nagai International Lycaste Chita Sunset Lycaste virginalis 92% 2
Lycaste Amakusa Lycaste Island of Kool Lycaste Rowland 45%
Lycaste Seventh Heaven Lycaste Headington Lycaste virginalis 89%
Lycaste Cardinal Spirit Lycaste Wyldfire Lycaste Wyld Promise 59%
Lycaste Sizzler Lycaste Wolf Creek Lycaste Malibu Canyon 60%
Lycida April Showers Lycaste Auburn Canyon Lycida Hugheuden 59%
Lycida Jean Tolliday Kendolie Lycaste Shonan Harmony Lycida Geyser Gold 62% 7
Lycaste Dazzling Lycaste May Lycaste Sunray 91%
Lycaste Memoria Takichi Kubodera Lycaste John Ezzy Lycaste Island of Capri 77%
Lycaste Tropic Fire Lycaste Rowland Lycaste Shoalhaven 61%
Lycaste Abou Sunset Lycaste Chita Sunset Lycaste Alan Salzman 74% 3
Lycaste Kurt Servos Lycaste Elizabeth Powell Lycaste macrophylla 44% 1
Lycaste Gamora Ablaze Lycaste Royale Flush Lycaste Always 76%
Lycaste Flush with Desire Lycaste Wyld Unicorn Lycaste Royale Flush 57%
Angulocaste Kaede Lycaste Chita Sunset Angulocaste Paul Gripp 70%
Lycaste Macama Burritt Lycaste Macama Lycaste Hamana Burritt 77%
Angulocaste La Landelle Lycaste Rocheport Anguloa Victoire 34%
Lycaste Strawberry Fizz Lycaste tricolor Lycaste Shoalhaven 45%
Lycaste Yellow Springs Lycaste Mem. Bill Congleton Lycaste Spectabilis 38%
Lycaste Kawabunga Lycaste Kawana Lycaste Koolena 77%
Lycaste Memoria Helen Congleton Lycaste Tropic Fire Lycaste Auburn 62%
Lycaste Yoshie Lycaste Mercury Lycaste Sunray 86%
Lycaste Spring Rainbow Lycaste Abou First Spring Lycaste Auburn 74%
Lycida Melissa Bardsley Lycaste virginalis Ida fimbriata (syn) 50%
Lycaste Raspberry Lycaste brevispatha Lycaste John Ezzy 43%
Angulocaste Valmont Lycaste Avranches Anguloa Victoire 38%
Lycaste Chita Passion Lycaste Chita Dream Lycaste Wyld Sunset 82%
Lycanisia Marie Riopelle Lycaste virginalis Aganisia cyanea 50%
Lycaste Sun Brush Lycaste Yoko's Sister Lycaste Sunrise 38%
Lycaste Daisy Lycaste Peter Lycaste White Christmas 44%
Lycaste DiCiommo Patricia Lycaste Wyld Splendour Lycaste Macama 67%
Angulocaste Red Jade Lycaste Island of Vulcorn Angulocaste Paul Gripp 47% 8
Lycaste Judy Fister Lycaste Shonan Bright Lycaste Shoalhaven 89%
Lycaste His Majesty Lycaste Golden Emperor Lycaste virginalis 66%
Anglyda Red Jewel Lycida Geyser Gold Angulocaste Red Jade 45% 14
Lycaste Arashiyama Lycaste macrobulbon Lycaste Shoalhaven 45%
Lycaste Kibune Lycaste Kitayama Lycaste Mem. Kageyuki Mito 64% 3
Lycaste Helmut Rohrl Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Royale Flush 73%
Lycaste Abou Rits Lycaste Abou First Spring Lycaste Chita Melody 79%
Lycaste Candy Ball Lycaste Chita Sunset Lycaste Shonan Symphony 84%
Lycaste Rainbow Cocktail Lycaste Shonan Beat Lycaste Chita Sunset 82%
Lycaste Memoria Olga Antón Lycaste Chita Sunset Lycaste macrophylla 42% 1
Lycaste Gladys Eljuri Lycaste Kiama Lycaste Alan Salzman 72% 3
Lycaste Michael and Sharon Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Alan Salzman 77%
Lycaste Amakusa Princess Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Nagai International 96%
Angulocaste Le Soublier Lycaste Wyldfire Angulocaste Transatlantic Beauty 57%
Angulocaste Le Rondin Lycaste Wyldfire Anguloa hohenlohii 31%
Lycaste AB Little Scatterbrain Lycaste Abou First Spring Lycaste Rosamond 43%
Lycaste Haven Burritt Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Macama Burritt 84%
Lycaste Hanase Lycaste Mercury Lycaste Chita Carnival 85%
Lycaste Muromachi Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Mem. Kageyuki Mito 60%
Lycaste Memoria Momomi Motohara Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Cherish 91% 4
Lycida Peach Star Lycaste Gyra Lycida Cassiopeia 52%
Lycaste Golden Belle Lycaste Promises Lycaste Salisbury 58%
Lycaste Rainbow Swirl Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Wolf Creek 82%
Lycaste Battle Creek Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Auburn Canyon 68%
Lycida Wyld Geyser Lycida Geyser Gold Lycaste Wyld Promise 50%
Lycida Gypsy Queen Lycaste Elizabeth Powell Lycida Cassiopeia 75%
Lycaste African Sunset Lycaste Promises Lycaste Malibu Canyon 52%
Lycaste Silver Dust Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Wolf Creek 87%
Angulocaste Carnival Angulocaste Olympus Lycaste Wyld Promise 53%
Lycida Drayton Lycida Cassiopeia Lycaste virginalis 81%
Lycida Garnet Lycida Drayton Lycaste Mem. Fred Alcorn 82%
Lycaste Nathalie Cely Lycaste Sunray Lycaste guatemalensis 48% 2
Lycaste Ganbare Nippon Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Chita Sunset 88%
Lycaste Miyako Lycaste Takagamine Lycaste Shoalhaven 82%
Lycida Yasaka Lycida Maple Syrup Lycaste Shoalhaven 57%
Lycaste Valerie Thacker Lycaste Always Kool Lycaste Walnut Valley 48%
Lycaste Incaic Queen Lycaste Incaic Sunset Lycaste Shonan Beat 80%
Lycaste Miyabi Lycaste Mem. Kageyuki Mito Lycaste Shoalhaven 74%
Lycaste Arisgawa Lycaste Kitayama Lycaste Shoalhaven 80% 2
Lycaste Valentine Lycaste Cherish Lycaste Shonan Melody 88%
Lycaste Hayabusa Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Barbara Sander 88%
Anglyda Shirley Senn Lycaste Koolena Anglyda Jim Riopelle 47%
Lycida Wyld Cherry Lycaste Wyld Court Lycida Camelot 47%
Lycaste Irodori Lycaste Hitomi Lycaste Shoalhaven 88% 2
Lycaste Walnut Valley Kool Lycaste Walnut Valley Sunrise Lycaste Always Kool 61%
Lycaste Kelvin Grove Lycaste macrophylla Lycaste Shoalhaven 45% 2
Lycaste Ninenzaka Lycaste cochleata Lycaste Shoalhaven 45%
Lycaste Apple Cheeks Lycaste Capricorn Lycaste Apple Glow 41%
Lycaste Tinker Bell Lycaste Shonan Melody Lycaste Spring Moon 50%
Lycaste Mizonokuchi Lycaste Wyldfire Lycaste Chita Sunset 73%
Lycaste June Simpson Lycaste Wyld Court Lycaste Chita Sunset 80%
Lycaste Wendy Kaufmann Lycaste Shonan Bright Lycaste Chita Parade 82%
Lycaste Cowarra's Luck Lycaste Macama Lycaste Bega 74%
Lycaste Cowarra's Sunmac Lycaste Sunset Lycaste Macama 81%
Lycida Moon Beam Ida fimbriata (syn) Lycaste Geri Male 42%
Lycaste Saraguro Lycaste macrophylla Lycaste Kiama 40%
Lycaste Santiago de Gualaceo Lycaste John Ezzy Lycaste Lucianii 68% 2
Lycaste Reina Del Cisne Lycaste angelae Lycaste Kiama 40% 14
Lycaste Gilberto Merino Lycaste schilleriana Lycaste Chita Sunset 42% 2
Lycaste Alma de mi Alma Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste guatemalensis 45% 2
Lycaste Eiser Lycaste Janice Miller Lycaste Koolena 75%
Lycaste Fyfe Lycaste Alwine Miller Lycaste Koolena 79%
Lycida Green Hills Lycaste Auburn Ida locusta (syn) 31%
Lycaste Handa Lycaste Sunray Lycaste Wyld Sunset 87%
Lycaste Omuro Lycaste Wyld Sunset Lycaste virginalis 89%
Lycaste Mont Shihou Lycaste Shonan Melody Lycaste Brownie Tricks 84%
Lycaste Alan's Dream Lycaste Chita Dream Lycaste Alan Salzman 75%
Lycaste Luciana's Wild Dream Lycaste Wyld Dream Lycaste Lucianii 50%
Lycaste Katsuragawa Lycaste Mem. Kageyuki Mito Lycaste Princess Takamado 59%
Lycida Umano Esa Lycida Green Bell Lycaste Shoalhaven 45%
Lycida Satin Peach Lycida Cassiopeia Lycaste Gamora Ablaze 69%
Lycaste Athanasia Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Kurt Servos 72% 1
Lycaste Always an Angel Lycaste angelae Lycaste Always 44%
Angulocaste Atsugi Angulocaste Chester Lycaste virginalis 69%
Angulocaste Mizonokuchi Angulocaste Atsugi Lycaste Chita Sunset 77%
Lycaste Bega Sunset Lycaste Bega Lycaste Sunset 77%
Lycaste Kool Avalon Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Avalon 82%
Lycaste Choux à la crème Lycaste Princess Takamado Lycaste Shoalhaven 75%
Lycaste Château Kobuchi Lycaste Chita Impulse Lycaste Shoalhaven 80%
Lycaste Our Tropics Chita Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Karina 88%
Lycaste Manchester Lycaste Midas Lycaste Brooklyn 48%
Lycaste Crystal Cherry Lycaste Astra Lycaste Sunray 48%
Lycaste Nada Lycaste Cherish Lycaste Shoalhaven 86% 1
Lycida A. Alcorn Lycaste Auburn Lycida Andy Easton 63%
Lycida Kool Hot Lips Ida reichenbachii (syn) Lycida Hot Lips Houlihan 32%
Maxillacaste Unnamed hybrid Maxillaria nigrescens Lycaste virginalis 50%
Lycaste Sagano Lycaste Abou Sunset Lycaste Shoalhaven 82% 4
Lycaste Sumiyoshi Lycaste Chita Parade Lycaste Shoalhaven 83% 1
Lycaste Rozario Lycaste Shonan Bright Lycaste Cherish 85%
Lycaste Augusta Lycaste Groganii Lycaste Auburn 31%
Lycaste Jérémie Lussier Lycaste Trevor Edwards Lycaste Lucianii 38%
Lycaste Chita Red Dragon Lycaste Island of Vulcorn Lycaste Chita Melody 55%
Lycaste Louise B. Lussier Lycaste Lucianii Lycaste Alaus Wayburn 63%
Lycaste Alaus Wayburn Lycaste Always Lycaste Auburn 75%
Lycaste Moonlit Flora Lycaste Midas Lycaste Always 56%
Lycaste Angela Yu Lycaste Isabella Lycaste Auburn 66%
Lycastenaria Liberty Lime Princess Lycaste virginalis Bifrenaria inodora 50%
Lycida Senne Sand Lycaste Groganii Lycida Hugheuden 31% 1
Lycaste Pink Passion Lycaste Kurt Servos Lycaste Chita Passion 63%
Lycaste Reverend Canon Mari Lycaste Mem. Helen Congleton Lycaste macrophylla 31% 2
Lycaste Patisserie Lycaste Carmen Lycaste Shoalhaven 87%
Lycaste Cali Bianchi Lycaste sulphurea (syn) Lycaste Chita Sunset 42%
Lycaste Southern Spring Lycaste Abou First Spring Lycaste Alan Salzman 75%
Lycida Liberty Ruby Star Lycaste virginalis Lycida Mark 59%
Lycida Blanches Banques Lycaste Avranches Ida ariasii (syn) 38%
Lycida Mont de Ouaisne Lycaste Rocheport Ida ariasii (syn) 34%
Lycaste Pierre Bertaux Lycaste guatemalensis Lycaste virginalis 50%
Lycaste AB Little Bouquet Lycaste AB Little Scatterbrain Lycaste Shoalhaven 67%
Lycaste AB A La Mode Rits Lycaste AB Little Scatterbrain Lycaste Hitomi 64%
Lycaste Spring Rouge Lycaste Yoshie Lycaste Shoalhaven 88% 1
Lycaste Spring Illumination Lycaste Burritt Melody Lycaste Shoalhaven 85% 2
Lycaste Burritt Melody Lycaste Haven Burritt Lycaste Chita Melody 79%
Lycaste AU Chita Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Chita Melody 68%
Lycaste Mad Chita Lycaste macrobulbon Lycaste Chita Melody 37%
Lycaste Spring Scene Lycaste Spring Chorus Lycaste virginalis 94% 2
Lycaste Spring Present Lycaste Spring Chorus Lycaste Shoalhaven 89% 1
Lycaste Spring Heart Lycaste Spring Chorus Lycaste Karina 86%
Lycaste AB Pansy Punch Lycaste Shonan Beat Lycaste Alan Salzman 72% 2
Lycaste AB Modern Japanese Lycaste Hitomi Lycaste Abou Sunset 80%
Lycaste Emma Ava Movie Star Lycaste Ryan Thomas Coyne Lycaste Superstar 56%
Lycaste Absolutely Fabulous Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Absolutely Stunning 79%
Lycida Isle of Valentine Lycida Geyser Gold Lycaste Island of Vulcorn 41%
Lycaste Wyld Parade Lycaste Wyld Sunset Lycaste Chita Parade 77%
Lycaste Wyld Sunshine Lycaste Wyld Parade Lycaste Shoalhaven 84%
Lycaste Kinugasa Lycaste Sun Spots Lycaste Shoalhaven 87%
Lycaste Kiwi Sunrise Lycaste Walnut Valley Sunrise Lycaste virginalis 69%
Lycaste Highland Sunrise Lycaste Arcadian Sunrise Lycaste Chita Sunset 87%
Anglyda Tudor Surprise Anglyda Tudor Lycaste Wyld Surprise 41%
Anglyda Gamora Surprise Anglyda Tudor Surprise Lycaste Gamora Ablaze 58%
Lycaste Leilani's Pink Hints Lycaste Kurt Servos Lycaste Gamora Ablaze 60%
Lycaste Chita Prince Lycaste Chita Sunset Lycaste Cherish 83%
Lycida Oriental Fantasy Lycaste Balliae Lycida Shimayuki 63%
Angulocaste Pontac Lycaste Shoalhaven Angulocaste Paternoster 66%
Lycida Eboshi Lycaste Leo Lycida Island of Takatsu 48%
Lycaste Florida Sunset Lycaste Balliae Lycaste Leo 38%
Lycida Orion Ida nana (syn) Lycaste Shoalhaven 45%
Angulocaste Moulin de Mourier Angulocaste Samares Angulocaste Transatlantic Beauty 50%
Angulocaste Gigoulande Angulocaste Paternoster Angulocaste Charlotte 36%
Angulocaste Moulin de la Perelle Angulocaste Augres Angulocaste Noirmont 32%
Angulocaste New Vision Jackpot Angulocaste Michelle Elizabeth Lycaste Jackpot 69%
Lycida Mount Hiei Lycida Mount Hira Lycaste Shoalhaven 84%
Lycaste Imshoo Leo Lycaste Leo Lycaste Imschootiana 38%
Lycaste Kamigamo Lycaste Imshoo Leo Lycaste Mem. Kageyuki Mito 48%
Lycida Andromeda Ida nana (syn) Lycaste Sunray 48%
Lycaste Louis Guimont Lycaste Mem. Louis Guimont Lycaste Imschootiana 31%
Lycaste Petit Devil Lycaste Chita Parade Lycaste Raspberry 59%
Lycaste Mrs Takako Lycaste Sunray Lycaste Princess Takamado 78% 1
Lycaste Decoration Present Lycaste Chita Melody Lycaste Spring Chorus 81%
Lycaste Little Present Lycaste AB Little Scatterbrain Lycaste Spring Chorus 65%
Lycaste Rouge Bright Lycaste Yoshie Lycaste John Ezzy 86%
Lycaste Original Decoration Lycaste Abou Sunset Lycaste Chita Melody 74% 2
Lycaste Spring Performer Lycaste Abou Rits Lycaste Shoalhaven 85% 3
Lycaste Original Performer Lycaste Abou Sunset Lycaste Abou Rits 77%
Lycaste Banana Pine Lycaste Mem. Kageyuki Mito Lycaste Hamana Leo 41%
Lycaste Gamora Vanity Lycaste Jackie-Bear Lycaste Gamora Ablaze 47%
Lycida Heaven's Knight Lycida Aquila Lycaste Shoalhaven 58%
Lycaste Balama Lycaste Macama Lycaste Balliae 64%
Lycaste Arthur and Joan Lycaste Balama Lycaste Ryan Thomas Coyne 51%
Lycida Quintal's Mist Lycaste Arthur and Joan Lycida Aquila 38%
Lycaste Gamora Desire Lycaste Flush with Desire Lycaste Gamora Ablaze 66%
Lycaste Gamora Triumphant Lycaste Mem. Helen Congleton Lycaste Gamora Ablaze 69%
Angulocaste Yi-Ying Red Star Lycaste Capricorn Angulocaste Paul Gripp 47%
Anglyda Yi-Ying Sakura Lycida Jean Tolliday Kendolie Angulocaste Yi-Ying Red Star 54% 3
Lycaste Ryan's Ball Lycaste Ryan Thomas Coyne Lycaste Balliae 44%
Lycaste Memoria Uma Pradhan Lycaste Arcadian Sunrise Lycaste Sunray 92%
Angulocaste Olympian Angulocaste Olympus Lycaste Kurt Servos 47%
Zygocastuloa Megan Lehua Zygocaste Northwest Passage Angulocaste Paul Gripp 53%
Zygocastuloa Owen Makoa Zygocastuloa Megan Lehua Lycaste Gamora Ablaze 64% 1
Lycida Liberty Angel Star Ida nana (syn) Lycaste virginalis 50%
Lycida Liberty Angel Wings Ida lata (syn) Lycaste virginalis 50%
Lycaste Liberty Oriental Spice Lycaste macrophylla Lycaste Abou Sunset 37%
Lycaste Liberty Oriental Spots Lycaste macrophylla Lycaste Gladys Eljuri 36%
Lycaste Liberty Rainforest Splice Lycaste lasioglossa Lycaste Nagai International 46%
Lycaste Liberty Perfect Splice Lycaste lasioglossa Lycaste Abou Sunset 37%
Lycaste Liberty Royal Splice Lycaste lasioglossa Lycaste Chita Sunset 42%
Angulocaste Demie de Pas Lycaste Bouley Bay Anguloa Vicart 33%
Lycida Colombiere Lycida Cassiopeia Lycaste Bouley Bay 64%
Lycaste Beauport Lycaste macrobulbon Lycaste Bouley Bay 33%
Lycaste Beauport Lycaste macrobulbon Lycaste Bouley Bay 33%
Lycaste Kitaohji Lycaste Arashiyama Lycaste Midas 35%
Lycaste Hanamikouji Lycaste Hanase Lycaste Shoalhaven 88%
Lycaste Takaragaike Lycaste Spectabilis Lycaste Shoalhaven 70%
Lycida Kiyomizu Lycida Green Hills Lycaste Shoalhaven 61%
Lycaste Pipers Pride Lycaste Gyra Lycaste Bega 55%
Lycaste Highland Bright Lycaste Shonan Bright Lycaste Wyld Sunshine 86%
Lycaste Highland Sunshine Lycaste Nada Lycaste Wyld Sunshine 85%
Lycaste Highland Breeze Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Nada 88%
Lycaste Highland Melody Lycaste Highland Sunrise Lycaste Shoalhaven 89%
Lycaste Sumie Lycaste Mem. Bill Congleton Lycaste Macama 52%
Lycaste Gamora Shores Lycaste Gamora Ablaze Lycaste Shoalhaven 83%
Angulocaste Memoria Jun-ichi Shimazaki Lycaste virginalis Angulocaste Kaede 85%
Lycaste Imadegawa Lycaste Abou Sunset Lycaste macrobulbon 37%
Lycaste Gorey Lycaste Abou Sunset Lycaste Sumiyoshi 79%
Lycaste Pearl Dream Lycaste Pearl Line Lycaste Chita Dream 80% 1
Lycaste Lion Heart Lycaste Leo Lycaste Princess Takamado 42%
Lycaste Kyogoku Lycaste Sunray Lycaste Sun Spots 89%
Lycaste Hanazono Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Sun Spots 91%
Lycaste Moisellerie Lycaste Rocheport Lycaste virginalis 84%
Lycaste Liberty Velvet Dream Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Island of Vulcorn 69%
Lycaste Liberty Velvet Star Lycaste Nagai International Lycaste Island of Vulcorn 65%
Lycaste Liberty Classic Rose Lycaste virginalis Lycaste Kawabunga 88%
Lycaste Sol de Mediodía Lycaste Sulphurea (syn) Lycaste Alan Salzman 32% 3
Angulocaste Cochellerie Lycaste Amaroo Anguloa Vicart 34%
Angulocaste Girette Angulocaste Samares Lycaste virginalis 74%
Anglyda Barsiere Anglyda Nicolas Lycaste Shoalhaven 70%
Lycida Vasselerie Lycaste virginalis Ida ariasii (syn) 50%
Lycaste Kumara Lycaste Raspberry Lycaste Kibune 53%
Angulocaste Colombette Angulocaste Augres Lycaste Avranches 53%
Angulocaste Sunset Blush Angulocaste Red Jade Lycaste Chita Sunset 66%
Lycaste Wössner Mariechen Lycaste Silvares Lycaste virginalis 75%
Lycaste Sandstorm Lycaste Stardust Lycaste Auburn Canyon (syn) 62%
Lycaste Wössner Glut Lycaste Wyld Court Lycaste Wyldfire 69%
Lycida Memoria Tanya Pearce Lycida Hot Lips Houlihan Lycaste Wyong 77%
Lycida Phoenix Lycaste Chita Melody Ida locusta (syn) 37% 1
Anglyda Memoria Ronald Chalmers Lycida Jean Tolliday Kendolie Angulocaste Red Jade 54%
Lycaste Abou Mito Lycaste AU Chita Lycaste Mem. Kageyuki Mito 63%
Lycida Hativels Lycida Blanches Banques Lycida Mont de Ouaisne 36%
Lycaste Athanasia Dancing Lycaste Athanasia Lycaste Balliae 61%
Lycaste Doctor Erin B. Vasconcelles Lycaste Balliae Lycaste Always 69%
Lycida Holmbury Lycida Mont de Ouaisne Lycaste Beauport 33%
Lycaste Fiorella Solares Lycaste Alma de mi Alma Lycaste Elizabeth Powell 66%
Lycaste Abou Sunrise Lycaste Spring Present Lycaste Sunray 92%
Lycaste Memoria Vic Madden Lycaste Rakuhoku Lycaste Mem. Kageyuki Mito 67%
Angulocaste Sierra Jewel Angulocaste St Anthony Lycaste Mem. Helen Congleton 59% 1
Angulocaste St Anthony Lycaste Wyld Surprise Angulocaste Paul Gripp 56%
Lycaste Highland Prince Lycaste Choux à la Crème (syn) Lycaste Princess Takamado 67%
Lycaste Highland Spring Lycaste Nada Lycaste Highland Sunrise 86%
Lycaste Highland Symphony Lycaste Nada Lycaste Shonan Melody 90%
Lycaste Keyla Alarcon Q Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Shonan Melody 92% 2
Lycaste Gamora Fire Lycaste Gamora Ablaze Lycaste Fire Bird 67%
Lycaste Boscia Lemon Lycaste aromatica Lycaste Abou First Spring 43%
Lycastenaria Sierra Blanca Lycaste Spring Scene Bifrenaria harrisoniae 47%
Angulocaste Gernetier Angulocaste Belle Hougue Point Lycaste Bouley Bay 37%
Lycida Pegasus Ida ciliata Lycaste Shoalhaven 45%
Lycaste Princess Takamado's Pride Lycaste Ryan Thomas Coyne Lycaste Princess Takamado 49%
Lycaste Sonobe's Choice Lycaste Abou Sunset Lycaste Shonan Bright 81%
Lycida Otowa Lycida Andromeda Lycida Maple Syrup 36%
Lycaste Mibu Lycaste Koolena Lycaste Mrs. Eiko 78%
Angulocaste Ecuagenera Angulocaste Maureen Lycaste Shoalhaven 63%
Lycida Ingrid de Portilla Lycaste michelii (syn) Lycida Cassiopeia 31%
Lycaste Quiteñita Lycaste Southern Cross Lycaste Katsuragawa 45%
Lycaste Pepe Portilla Lycaste Sun Spots Lycaste Katsuragawa 71%
Lycaste Andean River Lycaste Saraguro Lycaste John Ezzy 63%
Lycaste Santiago de Guayaquil Lycaste Sagano Lycaste Chita Parade 79% 1
Lycaste Tokyo Lycaste Reina Del Cisne Lycaste John Ezzy 63%
Lycaste Cholita Cuencana Lycaste Reina Del Cisne Lycaste Hitomi 63%
Lycaste Hugo Medina Lycaste Rakuhoku Lycaste Shoalhaven 84%
Lycida Carlitos Guachisaca Lycaste Rakuhoku Lycida Lime Fantasy 68%
Lycaste Harry Nagata Lycaste Mem. Olga Antón Lycaste Shoalhaven 66%
Lycaste Andres Eljuri Lycaste Mem. Olga Antón Lycaste Reina Del Cisne 41%
Lycaste Princesa Azuaya Lycaste Kiama Lycaste John Ezzy 83%
Lycaste Cumbaya Lycaste Kiama Lycaste Island of Vulcorn 59%
Angulocaste Nico Merchan Lycaste Keyla Alarcon Q Anguloa ruckeri (syn) 46%
Angulocaste Ecuagenera Sunset Lycaste John Ezzy Anguloa clowesii 43%
Lycaste Santa Isabel Lycaste Hanase Lycaste Sun Spots 84%
Lycaste Andres Lycaste Gladys Eljuri Lycaste Saraguro 56%
Angulocaste Ingrid Suarez Lycaste Gladys Eljuri Anguloa ruckeri (syn) 36%
Lycida Tayos Lycida Cassiopeia Lycaste Rakuhoku 70%
Lycaste Guatemala Lycaste Alma de mi Alma Lycaste Santiago de Gualaceo 57%
Angulocaste Norman's Winter Plum Lycaste Shonan Harmony Angulocaste Paul Gripp 68%
Lycaste Uzumasa Lycaste Abou Sunset Lycaste Raspberry 59%
Lycida Perseus Two Lycaste Cherish Ida fimbriata 41%
Lycaste Ayanokouji Lycaste Katsuragawa Lycaste Auburn 61%
Lycaste Yatsu Heaven Lycaste Shoalhaven Lycaste Hamana Leo 58%
Lycaste Yatsu Diversity Lycaste Mem. Vic Madden Lycaste Hitomi 76%
Lycaste Miss Spring Lycaste Spring Heart Lycaste Shoalhaven 88%
Lycaste Fresh Shake Lycaste Cherish Lycaste Alan Salzman 73%
Lycaste Rouge Beat Lycaste Rouge Bright Lycaste Shonan Beat 83%
Lycaste Bright Line Lycaste Miyabi Lycaste Pearl Dream 77%
Lycaste Yatsu Celebration Lycaste Ryan Thomas Coyne Lycaste Katsuragawa 48%
Lycaste Ingapirca Lycaste Saraguro Lycaste Muromachi 50%
Lycaste Full Moon Lycaste Chita Melody Lycaste Gladys Eljuri 73%
Lycaste Eugene Banziger Lycaste Balliae Lycaste Chita Sunset 67%
Lycaste Ecuagenera Gold Lycaste Sulphurea Lycaste Kiama 40%
Lycaste Shonan Beat-John Ezzy Lycaste Shonan Beat Lycaste John Ezzy 83% 1
Lycaste Auburn-Shonan Harmony Lycaste Auburn Lycaste Shonan Harmony 71% 5
Angulocaste Shonan Harmony-Paul Gripp Lycaste Shonan Harmony Angulocaste Paul Gripp 68% 1
Lycaste campbellii-virginalis Lycaste campbellii Lycaste virginalis 50% 1
Lycaste Alma de mi Alma-virginalis Lycaste Alma de mi Alma Lycaste virginalis 73% 3
Lycaste Candicrue-Auburn Lycaste Candicrue Lycaste Auburn 31% 1