Progenies of Calanthe vestita

Progenies of Calanthe vestita

Descendants Seed Parent Pollen Parent pct # images
Calanthe gigas Calanthe sylvatica Calanthe vestita 50%
Calanthe porphyrea Calanthe labrosa Calanthe vestita 50%
Calanthe sedenii Calanthe veitchii (syn) Calanthe vestita 75% 8
Calanthe siebertiana Calanthe veitchii (syn) Calanthe vestita 75%
Calanthe veitchii Calanthe rosea Calanthe vestita 50% 2
Phaiocalanthe arnoldiae Calanthe regnieri (syn) Phaius tankervilleae 50%
Phaius inquilinus Calanthe masuca Calanthe vestita 50%
Phaius irroratus Calanthe vestita Phaius tankervilleae 50%
Calanthe Aurora Calanthe regnieri (syn) Calanthe rosea 50%
Calanthe Elwesii Calanthe regnieri (syn) Calanthe triplicata 50%
Calanthe Gatton Alpha Calanthe Barberiana Calanthe vestita 100%
Calanthe Laucheana Calanthe vestita Calanthe triplicata 50%
Calanthe Magpie Calanthe Barberiana na 50%
Calanthe Our Prince Calanthe Barberiana Calanthe Kenneth 50%
Calanthe Splendens Calanthe Barberiana Calanthe rosea 50%
Calanthe Viscomte Fukuba Calanthe Butterfly Calanthe vestita 50%
Phaiocalanthe Arnoldiae Calanthe regnieri (syn) Phaius tankervilleae 50%
Phaiocalanthe Grandis Calanthe Barberiana Phaius tankervilleae 50%
Phaiocalanthe Irrorata Calanthe vestita Phaius tankervilleae 50% 3
Calanthe Admiration Calanthe Barberiana Calanthe Butterfly 50%
Calanthe Branchii Calanthe Barberiana Calanthe masuca 50%
Gastrophaianthe Colmanii Calanthe regnieri (syn) Gastrophaius Cooksonii 50%
Calanthe Acomb Calanthe Gerald Calanthe Ruby 66%
Calanthe Albata Calanthe Sedenii (syn) Calanthe triplicata 38%
Calanthe Angela Calanthe Chapmanii Calanthe Sedenii (syn) 78%
Calanthe Anita Calanthe Angela Calanthe Baron Schröder 64%
Calanthe Atro-Rubens Calanthe Barberiana Calanthe Ruby 94%
Calanthe Baron Ohara Calanthe Gatton Alpha Calanthe Sedenii (syn) 88%
Calanthe Bessie Stewart Calanthe George Calanthe Sedenii (syn) 38%
Calanthe Brandywine Calanthe Baron Schröder Calanthe Sedenii (syn) 63%
Calanthe Bruno Lionel Calanthe Angela Calanthe Stella 67%
Calanthe Brunton Calanthe Hexham Lad Calanthe Ruby 82%
Calanthe Camilla Calanthe Angela Calanthe Windsor 52%
Calanthe Carmen Calanthe Angela Calanthe Butterfly 39%
Calanthe Caroline Calanthe Baron Schröder Calanthe Barberiana 75%
Calanthe Chapmanii Calanthe Sedenii (syn) Calanthe Ruby 81%
Calanthe Chesters Calanthe Hexham Lad Calanthe Revertens 38%
Calanthe Dellensis Calanthe Baron Schröder Calanthe Stella 53%
Calanthe Diana Broughton Calanthe Butterfly Calanthe Hexham Gem 45%
Calanthe Florence Calanthe Sedenii (syn) Calanthe Veitchii (syn) 63%
Calanthe Gerald Calanthe Hexham Gem Calanthe Revertens 45%
Calanthe Grindon Calanthe Hexham Gem Calanthe Hexham Lad 83%
Calanthe Hexham Gem Calanthe Angela Calanthe Barberiana 89%
Calanthe Hexham Lad Calanthe Angela Calanthe Sedenii (syn) 77%
Calanthe Hexham Lass Calanthe Angela Calanthe Hexham Lad 77%
Calanthe Hexham Pet Calanthe Angela Calanthe Kenneth 39%
Calanthe Jezebel Calanthe Atro-Rubens Calanthe Barberiana 97%
Calanthe Marita Calanthe Stella Calanthe Veitchii (syn) 53%
Calanthe Meritum Calanthe Stella Calanthe Veitchii (syn) 53%
Calanthe Paradox Calanthe Angela Calanthe Caroline 77%
Calanthe Porphyrea Calanthe labrosa Calanthe vestita 50%
Calanthe Prince Fushimi Calanthe Butterfly Calanthe Sedenii (syn) 38% 1
Calanthe Ruby Calanthe Sedenii (syn) Calanthe vestita 88%
Calanthe Sedenii Calanthe Veitchii (syn) Calanthe vestita 75%
Calanthe Stagshaw Calanthe Hexham Gem Calanthe Ruby 88%
Calanthe Stella Calanthe Kewensis Calanthe Ruby 56%
Calanthe Tokyo Calanthe Barberiana Calanthe Veitchii (syn) 75% 3
Calanthe Triumphans Calanthe Ruby na 44%
Calanthe Warden Calanthe Angela Calanthe Hexham Gem 84%
Calanthe Winnii Calanthe regnieri (syn) Calanthe Veitchii (syn) 75%
Calanthe W. J. Stables Calanthe Hexham Lad Calanthe Warden 80%
Calanthe Wylam Calanthe Angela Calanthe Ruby 83%
Phaiocalanthe Ruby Calanthe Ruby Phaius wallichii 44%
Calanthe Baron Schröder Calanthe regnieri (syn) Calanthe vestita var. gigantea? (syn) 50% 10
Cattleya Nonoska Cattleya Barberiana (syn) Cattleya dowiana 50%
Cymbidium Charlita Cymbidium Barberiana (syn) Cymbidium eburneum 50%
Cymbidium Leonie Cymbidium Barberiana (syn) Cymbidium Falcon 50%
Calanthe Grouville Calanthe Diana Broughton Calanthe Barberiana 72% 2
Calanthe Vintage Wine Calanthe vestita Calanthe Hexham Gem 95%
Calanthe Pink Gem Calanthe Pink Glory Calanthe Hexham Gem 70%
Calanthe Pink Glory Calanthe cardioglossa Calanthe vestita 50%
Calanthe Corbiere Calanthe Sedenii (syn) Calanthe Baron Schröder 63%
Calanthe Saint Aubin Calanthe Diana Broughton Calanthe Baron Schröder 47%
Calanthe Kyoto Calanthe Prince Fushimi Calanthe Veitchii (syn) 44%
Calanthe Yamashiro Calanthe Prince Fushimi Calanthe Sedenii (syn) 56%
Calanthe Kurama Calanthe Kyoto Calanthe Prince Fushimi 41%
Calanthe Rakunan Calanthe Kyoto Calanthe Barberiana 72%
Calanthe Bel Val Calanthe Brandywine Calanthe Baron Schröder 56%
Calanthe Gorey Calanthe Grouville Calanthe Diana Broughton 58% 1
Calanthe Rozel Calanthe Grouville Calanthe Saint Aubin 60% 7
Calanthe Beauport Calanthe Brandywine Calanthe Diana Broughton 54%
Calanthe Saint Brelade Calanthe Brandywine Calanthe Saint Aubin 55%
Calanthe Five Oaks Calanthe Gorey Calanthe Brandywine 60%
Calanthe Malica Calanthe vestita Calanthe rubens 50%
Calanthe Rie Calanthe Barberiana Calanthe Kurama 70%
Calanthe Satomi Calanthe vestita Calanthe Kyoto 72%
Calanthe Prinsesse Alexandra Calanthe rosea Calanthe Grouville 36%
Phaiocalanthe Peter Shaw Phaius Gravesiae Calanthe vestita 50% 1
Phaiocalanthe Charlie Klehm Phaius tankervilleae Calanthe Grouville 36% 5
Calanthe First Lady Calanthe vestita Calanthe Rozel 80%
Calanthe Victoria Katrina Calanthe Saint Aubin Calanthe vestita 74%
Calanthe Menehune Calanthe Hexham Gem Calanthe cardioglossa 45%
Calanthe Anne Port Calanthe Grouville Calanthe Gorey 65%
Phaiocalanthe Delbert Ray Southwood Calanthe hennisii (syn) Phaius Gravesiae 50%
Calanthe Augres Calanthe Gorey Calanthe Five Oaks 59%
Calanthe Ronez Point Calanthe Saint Brelade Calanthe Gorey 57%
Calanthe Elegance Calanthe Kyoto Calanthe Brandywine 53%
Calanthe Lihue Calanthe Hexham Gem Calanthe Grouville 81%
Calanthe Poipu Calanthe Brandywine Calanthe Grouville 67%
Phaiocalanthe Southside Phaiocalanthe Irrorata Calanthe Brandywine 56%
Calanthe Tsiku Honolulu Calanthe Saint Aubin Calanthe Rozel 54%
Calanthe Tsiku Flamingo Calanthe Rozel Calanthe Kyoto 52%
Calanthe Les Landes Calanthe Saint Brelade Calanthe Five Oaks 58%
Calanthe Memoria Lottie Kempter Calanthe Rozel Calanthe Baron Schröder 55%
Phaiocalanthe Pleiades Phaiocalanthe Irrorata Calanthe vestita 75%
Calanthe Mont Felard Calanthe Prinsesse Alexandra Calanthe Brandywine 49%
Calanthe Mont Pinel Calanthe Rose Georgene Calanthe Five Oaks 42%
Calanthe Mont Fallu Calanthe Prinsesse Alexandra Calanthe Five Oaks 48%
Calanthe Paternoster Calanthe Rose Georgene Calanthe Brandywine 43%
Calanthe Plemont Calanthe Prinsesse Alexandra Calanthe Augres 48%
Calanthe Portelet Calanthe Five Oaks Calanthe Augres 60%
Calanthe Petit Port Calanthe Brandywine Calanthe Augres 61%
Calanthe Arashiyama Calanthe Kyoto Calanthe Sedenii (syn) 59%
Calanthe Sagano Calanthe Arashiyama Calanthe Kyoto 52%
Calanthe Barberiana Calanthe vestita Calanthe turneri (syn) 100% 9
Calanthe Gigas Calanthe sanderiana (syn) Calanthe vestita 50%
Calanthe Inquilinax Calanthe vestita na 50%
Phaiocalanthe Irroratus Calanthe vestita Phaius grandifolius (syn) 50%
Calanthe Lorane Ann Calanthe rosea Calanthe Five Oaks 30%
Calanthe Mont Nicholle Calanthe Mont Pinel Calanthe Rose Georgene 33%
Phaiocalanthe December Lady Calanthe First Lady Phaius tankervilleae 40%
Calanthe Memoria Yoshio Furukawa Calanthe Hexham Gem Calanthe Yamashiro 73%
Calanthe Beresford Calanthe Brandywine Calanthe Mont Pinel 52%
Calanthe Bel Royal Calanthe Baron Schröder Calanthe Five Oaks 55%
Calanthe Bouvet Calanthe Prinsesse Alexandra Calanthe Mont Pinel 39%
Calanthe Archirondel Calanthe Augres Calanthe Mont Pinel 51%
Calanthe Mont Grantez Calanthe Mont Pinel Calanthe Portelet 51%
Calanthe Mont Gavey Calanthe Brandywine Calanthe Portelet 61%
Calanthe Mont Orgueil Calanthe Brandywine Calanthe Mont Nicholle 48%
Calanthe Mont Mado Calanthe Baron Schröder Calanthe Beresford 51%
Calanthe Mont Sorsoleil Calanthe Baron Schröder Calanthe Mont Pinel 46%
Calanthe Mont Cambrai Calanthe Mont Nicholle Calanthe Bel Royal 44%
Calanthe Mont Isaac Calanthe Mont Pinel Calanthe Bel Royal 49%
Calanthe Mont Remon Calanthe Five Oaks Calanthe Mont Nicholle 47%
Calanthe Mont Pretre Calanthe Five Oaks Calanthe Portelet 60%
Calanthe Mont Ube Calanthe Mont Nicholle Calanthe Beresford 43%
Calanthe Mont Pellier Calanthe Brandywine Calanthe Five Oaks 61%
Calanthe Mont Cochon Calanthe Five Oaks Calanthe Beresford 56%
Calanthe Mont Rossignol Calanthe Mont Pinel Calanthe Mont Nicholle 37%
Calanthe Mont Sohier Calanthe Beresford Calanthe Mont Pinel 47%
Calanthe Mont Perrine Calanthe Brandywine Calanthe Beresford 57%
Calanthe Mont Vibert Calanthe Five Oaks Calanthe Bel Royal 58%
Calanthe Mont Sejour Calanthe Five Oaks Calanthe Mont Pinel 51%
Calanthe Alma Stoneman Calanthe Baron Schröder Calanthe Rose Georgene 37%
Calanthe Havres des Pas Calanthe Mont Ube Calanthe Portelet 51%
Calanthe Havre de Fer Calanthe Mont Remon Calanthe Mont Pretre 53%
Calanthe Beauvoir Calanthe Mont Cochon Calanthe Mont Ube 49%
Calanthe Bellozane Calanthe Portelet Calanthe Mont Remon 53%
Calanthe Beauvallet Calanthe Mont Ube Calanthe Mont Remon 45%
Calanthe Bagatelle Calanthe Mont Remon Calanthe Mont Nicholle 40%
Calanthe Beaumont Calanthe Portelet Calanthe Mont Cochon 58%
Calanthe Avranches Calanthe Mont Remon Calanthe Mont Cochon 52%
Calanthe Tyneville Calanthe Baron Schröder Calanthe rosea (syn) 38%
Calanthe Leoville Calanthe Mont Pellier Calanthe rosea 31%
Phaiocalanthe Simone Halder Phaius mishmensis Calanthe vestita 50%
Calanthe Hildegard Kibler-Mueller Calanthe succedanea Calanthe vestita 50% 1
Phaiocalanthe Lara Morgenstern Phaius Morningstar Calanthe vestita 50%
Phaiocalanthe Ji-Ping Beauty Calanthe Saint Aubin Phaiocalanthe Irrorata 49%
Phaiocalanthe Zona Rossa Phaius Gravesiae Calanthe Grouville 36% 2
Calanthe Annelise & Paul Calanthe Grouville Calanthe succedanea 36%
Calanthe Memoria Peter Mueller Calanthe Grouville Calanthe cardioglossa 36%
Calanthe Karolin Anschau Calanthe Grouville Calanthe vestita 86%
Phaiocalanthe Red Dragon Phaiocalanthe Kryptonite Calanthe vestita 65%
Calanthe De Devant Calanthe Havre de Fer Calanthe Mont Remon 50%
Calanthe Cressoniere Calanthe Five Oaks Calanthe Mont Remon 54%
Calanthe Les Chenes Calanthe Five Oaks Calanthe Mont Pretre 60%
Calanthe Desormes Calanthe Havre de Fer Calanthe Mont Mado 52%
Phaiocalanthe Liberty Creek Phaiocalanthe Kryptonite Calanthe Grouville 51%
Calanthe Brigitte Frehsonke Calanthe Baron Schröder Calanthe vestita 75% 2
Calanthe Le Soublier Calanthe Portelet Calanthe Mont Sejour 56%
Spathocalanthe Linden Calanthe vestita Spathoglottis plicata 50%